Window Managers

wmx - A really simple window manager for X

A really simple window manager for X, based on wm2, with a minimal set of
configurable options.
License:BSD Group:Window Managers
URL: Source: wmx


Name Version Release Type Size Built
wmx 6pl1 14.fc6 x86_64 139 KiB Fri Sep 8 10:06:54 2006


* Fri Sep 8 18:00:00 2006 Gabriel Somlo <somlo{%}cmu{*}edu> 6pl1-14
- rebuilt for FC6MassRebuild
* Thu Jun 8 18:00:00 2006 Gabriel Somlo <somlo{%}cmu{*}edu> 6pl1-13
- rebuild
* Thu Jun 8 18:00:00 2006 Gabriel Somlo <somlo{%}cmu{*}edu> 6pl1-12
- more X11 buildrequires (thanks and Jarod Wilson)

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)