x11-ssh-askpass - A passphrase dialog for X and not only for OpenSSH


x11-ssh-askpass is a lightweight passphrase dialog for OpenSSH or
other open variants of SSH. In particular, x11-ssh-askpass is useful
with the Unix port of OpenSSH by Damien Miller and others, and Damien
includes it in his RPM packages of OpenSSH.

x11-ssh-askpass uses only the stock X11 libraries (libX11, libXt) for
its user interface. This reduces its dependencies on external libraries
(such as GNOME or Perl/Tk). See the README for further information.

Homepage: http://www.jmknoble.net/software/x11-ssh-askpass/

License: Public Domain

Vendor: Fedora Project


x11-ssh-askpass- [36 KiB] Changelog by Enrico Scholz (2007-02-04):
- rebuilt with -Wl,--as-needed