Packages not in Groups

vtk - The Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library

VTK is an open-source software system for image processing, 3D
graphics, volume rendering and visualization. VTK includes many
advanced algorithms (e.g., surface reconstruction, implicit modelling,
decimation) and rendering techniques (e.g., hardware-accelerated
volume rendering, LOD control).
License:BSD-like Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: vtk


Name Version Release Type Size Built
vtk 5.0.3 18.2.fc6 x86_64 26.10 MiB Fri Jul 20 13:21:33 2007


* Mon May 28 18:00:00 2007 Axel Thimm <Axel{*}Thimm{%}ATrpms{*}net> - 5.0.3-18
- Move headers to %{_includedir}/vtk.
- Remove executable bit from sources.
* Mon Apr 16 18:00:00 2007 Axel Thimm <Axel{*}Thimm{%}ATrpms{*}net> - 5.0.3-17
- Make java build conditional.
- Add ldconfig %post/%postun for java/qt subpackages.
* Sun Apr 15 18:00:00 2007 Axel Thimm <Axel{*}Thimm{%}ATrpms{*}net> - 5.0.3-16
- Remove %ghosting pyc/pyo.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)