Games and Entertainment

gnuchess - The GNU chess program

The gnuchess package contains the GNU chess program.  By default,
GNU chess uses a curses text-based interface.  Alternatively, GNU chess
can be used in conjunction with the xboard user interface and the X
Window System for play using a graphical chess board.

Install the gnuchess package if you would like to play chess on your
computer.  If you'd like to use a graphical interface with GNU chess,
you'll also need to install the xboard package and the X Window System.
License:GPL Group:Games and Entertainment
URL: Source: gnuchess


Name Version Release Type Size Built
gnuchess 5.07 10.fc6 ppc 3.81 MiB Mon Sep 11 16:38:59 2006


* Mon Sep 11 18:00:00 2006 Chris Ricker <kaboom{%}oobleck{*}net> 5.07-10
- Bump and rebuild
* Wed Feb 15 17:00:00 2006 Chris Ricker <kaboom{%}oobleck{*}net> 5.07-9
- Bump and rebuild
* Wed Jun 1 18:00:00 2005 Chris Ricker <kaboom{%}oobleck{*}net> 5.07-8.fc6
- Add dist tag

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)